Unleash your Inner Star

Oh my Goddess!  The year is off to a flying start and for many this year is one of many changes – fantastic changes and also finding your own rhythm! Dancing to the beat of your own drum.

What do I mean when I say that?  Well naturally, alot of us seem to be the caretakers of others. Not in a way of ‘bending over backwards’ but more in a way of being in that ‘supportive’ or ‘service’ role.  To the point where at  we tend to ‘dance to the rhythm drum beat of others’.   Whether they be our husbands, our kids, our work colleagues -it can get a little weary at times and we find ourselves starting to search. Searching for our own purpose in life.  Or finding the courage to do those things that we’ve only dreamed about.  So how do we do this, well it’s about  just making a first step forward.  how do I do that , you ask?

Let me tell you about my siSTAR, Luanne.

When growing up, my sistar was always quite shy really. While our parents had other ‘engagements’ Luanne looked after us.  She has always been in service to the point where looking back, she also missed out on alot.  Missed out on the things she wanted to do. Naturally, you could also imagine how this would’ve affected self confidence in a way. As the years rolled by, Luanne fell into this

‘supportive’ background role pushing people out the front to shine without the recognition she deserved.   Spending your time creating space for others so that they felt supported. Luanne was living the rhythm of others – family, work etc…

Fast forward a few more years, my sistar now shines.  She always has but now she recognises her own ‘Shine of brightness’ .  She still in ‘service’ of course but in a way that there is balance and also control.   I said earlier that Luanne would push the people she loved out the front so the world can see them shine?  Well what Luanne has created is a  space where there is no need for ‘pushing’ . A space where there is no need for ‘hiding’ to stay unknown.

Luanne has created a space called ‘Goddess on Purpose’ – her on thumb print in the universe.       What is her role in her purpose? Well she doesn’t ‘push’ anymore. She’s out front , shining brightly and if my physics is correct, if you’re pushing from out front’ you’re pushing backwards! 😉 Being out front, you don’t want to pull either which is the beautiful thing about what  Luanne has created.  You still have to ‘work’, you still have to dance to your own beat of the drum.

One thing is for sure is that, it would be your rhythm, your drum beat. Knowing your purpose and living it – what a way to start the year! 🙂

My siSTAR dances to her own Rhythm of life, and I can see the music is ‘cranked up high!’

This change in the ‘right’ direction in my siSTARS life has brought us to celebrating her first ‘LIVE’ event of Goddess on Purpose in March this year.  If you are at the point where you feel that you are still searching “What’s my purpose?’ and if you do know then the question maybe “How do I start?” – Then Goddess on Purpose event is the place to be.

Click on ‘Show me how to dance to my own beat’ – have a look around and follow my lead …”you put your right foot in, your right foot out, you do the hokey pokey and you spin around……” 😉

Blissings  ola!                                                                                   

Oh my Goddess! Christmas is coming up pretty quickly and so is the New Year! So what’s this Goddess gonna do coming into a new year? Well, the fingers are hitting the keyboard bringing a new blog to Goddess Playshops.  Now what kind of blog you say?….well a blog about everyday life, about the awesome lessons learned, and all the bits in between! 😉

Now there will be some candid moments, there may even be a little ‘out there’ moments and more than likely I will have the odd blonde moment (no pun to blondes intended 🙂 ) Here I share my journey with you in reconnecting with my inner goddess – showing my authentic self.

To celebrate the starting of Oh my Goddess, send me an email michelle@goddessplayshops.com with your name and I’ll send you a free mini Goddess reading.  Yup, I will. However there needs to be an energy exchange of some sort so to start your journey of reconnecting with your inner goddess, tell me 3 things you love about yourself (yup about you and only you :)) and I’ll send you a mini reading.

I look forward to your emails!

Blissings xx


Hola Dear Goddesses,

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting in person one of our Perth Goddess Playshop Facilitators – Tracey Jewel.

Tracey has just released her new book Goddess Within and has her own business Goddess in a bottle.

She was over in Melbourne doing her book launch and sent me a goddess message on the ole facebook to say she was in town. I could not miss the opportunity to go meet her and what a true delight it was.

She facilitated a small workshop as part of her book launch and I so enjoyed listening in with 10 other women in the group as she shared her wisdom on Manifesting.

Tracey is an amazing manifestor and just a couple of things she manifested are:  A Mercedes Benz car !!! and among other things an all expenses trip to the USA to see OPRAH’s last show just recently. Amazing right !!!.

Among other things she uses the power of Vision Boards, yes Vision boards to bring all her dreams to fruition.  She will be coming back to Melbourne in November to speak at the Mind Body Spirit festival and I even think we may see her at a Goddess Playshop out in The Goddess Shed during that time :).

I just wanted to share how blessed we are to have her as part of our Goddess Facilitator community and am looking forward to reading her gorgeous book – Goddess Within and you can order it here from her website.


PS: Tracey will be facilitating her own Goddess Playshops in Perth very soon 🙂

Greetings Dear Goddess,

Today I am grateful for  technology… Yes Technology for it allows us to be in contact with amazing Goddesses. I say this because today was our first distance training class. We have gorgeous goddesses joining us from the United Kingdom, Western Australia and Melbourne and we all can’t be in the same place at the same time so thanks to the wonderful web we connected on a Tele-seminar tonight.

I am truly grateful as because of that these wonderful women are going to start their own business (and in some cases number 2 business) to share their gifts with the world. They will be helping women all over the globe and that to me is truly fantastic and a real Dream come true. Who knows what is going to be created after teleseminar 9 :).

Have a wonderful night.


PS: Watch out for the new facilitators coming to your area soon.

This weekend was an amazing one for this Goddess on Purpose. I am totally grateful for the gifts I have to share with others. You see its all refection. Wonderful women keep coming into my life and for that I am truly grateful.

Sunday I held a Goddess Playhshop all about Love.  We had a small group this time and it was an absolute Joy to facilitate.  So for those amazing women who attended, Juicy Jenny, Lucious Lisa, Intelligent intuitive Illona and Courageous Connie, thank you for sharing space and the laughter, and connection we had makes my heart sing.

Have a wonderful week everyone – you totally deserve it.

Blissings Luanne Simmons xo

Hello hello 🙂

I have been away on a Glamping trip to Merimbula over the Easter break and just getting back into things today (yes took a couple of extra days). It was a lovely trip away with the family this trip away was really enjoyable.

The reason why this was more than other holidays was because I consciously did not take any work away with me this time. I managed to get my to-do list all up to date for my return home. So I enjoyed the time away with family and friends. We camped with another family and it was fun. The kids enjoyed themselves and hardly ever fought. The adults enjoyed themselves too (few wines and bbqs were had). I even managed to have a massage and lunch with my girlfriend in town while kids and hubbys looked after each other back at camp :).

Olive in Pambula - massage heaven

I feel refreshed and ready for the busy few months ahead with Goddess Playshops touring to Sydney, then Melbourne Mind Body Festivals and then off to New York in June – where has this year gone.

While away we also got to reconnect with other friends who were in Merimbula and it was fantastic to just catchup where we left off. It was so funny the first time we met up as the words could not come out fast enough lol we had to meet up again for a 4 hour lunch (both families bought the kids along). Its great when you can surround yourself with like-spirited people.

This Sunday I am holding a Goddess Playshop and I just about cancelled it after the holidays but something said to me – ok just put it out there and if you get some people wanting to come then it will go ahead. Within minutes of posting on facebook and a couple of followups I had 4 people confirm they were coming – and so I am so grateful I decided to share the event. Listening to my Goddess intuition certainly helped me today.

So feeling blissed and blessed all at the same time.

Have a wonderful short week and will be coming back with more gratitude soon.

Blissings Luanne

PS: if you want to join me on Sunday here is the link



What is Glamping you say?  Well the other day I put a post up about going away in our caravan. Now some people know this caravan as the Tajmahal, but the point is if this Goddess is going to be in a caravan then it is going to have all the mod cons. Unfortunately it does not have a coffee making machine and the who topic (on facebook) had quite a few posts.  So I am sharing today that someone came back with the word GLAMPING which is Glamour and Camping all in one.

I loved that and so I am grateful today for having a Tajmahal of caravans to go away and spend family goddess time with kids and hubby, and that

Glamping !!!

caravaning is now Glamourous and Goddessy all in one.

Blissings Luanne

Goddess Playshops

Connecting women to their Beauty and Power

Hello hello Goddesses,

Today I am so grateful for my mother in law.  It’s school holidays here in Melbourne and its just been so hectic leading up to Easter. With two littlies and still work to be done in the office my lovely mother in law volunteered to take the kids for a few hours. They went to see the movie Rio and dad picked them up at 5pm.  I got so much done in that 5 hours – even managed to take a small break and sit outside in the sunshine for a much needed break.

I am grateful she is close as my own mum still lives in New Zealand (but not for long – another blog) and she loves taking the kids for days here and there.  So Agnes thank you so much I am truly Grateful.

Blissings Luanne

Goddess Playshops

Grateful for life

Hello hello,

today I am doing 2 days worth of gratitude in one. You see yesterday was my gorgeous son Coopers birthday and we started the morning as you do opening presents.  All he wanted was Leggo and so thats exactly what he got.  His comment to me on what he would like for his birthday “just get me Leggo mum, everyone else can get me other things :)”.  It was his 7th birthday and as a Goddess mum, like some of you out there on our childs birthdays we quite often (ok we ALWAYS) go back to our birth story. Right back to the moment they were born. You can feel every push and kick again, and then remember the absolute joy when your bub is born.

I went back to that moment and shared absolute gratitude that Cooper is a healthy and happy little boy.  For that I am so truly grateful.

Yesterday we also went to my husbands cousins memorial day (not sure if thats what you call it). Trevor was 43 years old and he passed away suddenly last week. He did not want the traditional church service, all he wanted was to have all his family and friends congregate at his home (who he shared with his beautiful wife Marie) and to share a beer and a snag or two cooked on his bbq.

Well there were so many people there (which was totally awesome and testament to the wonderful human being he was) and we packed into his back yard, had a drink or two, ate a beautiful meal (not bbq that came later so I heard) and talked about the wonderful Trevor. His eulogy was an absolute tear jerker, but with so many tears of joy and laughter at the brother/cousin/friend we all knew and loved. And so at that moment I was so totally grateful to have had my heart touched by such a wonderful man. The Hennekam family reunions will never be the same Trev, we love you and miss you.

Sunday because of Trevs gathering on Coopers birthday we had to have Coopers little birthday party.  We had 4 kids which incude my two show up for some ten pin bowling.  Such fun was had with the three 7 year old boys and my 5 year old lil goddess daughter.  Well guess who won the bowling ?  Yes my daughter, but again everyone had a great day.  I especially thank my very heavily pregnant sister for driving over my nephew so he could attend the party.  She went off and had a lovely massage while the party was on.  I have often been told that when someone passes… very soon after there is a birth in the family.  So yes there will be very soon.

Today I am grateful for my life – enough said.

Many many Blissings


Goddess on Purpose

Shopping trolley you say ?? Yes that is what I am grateful for. Yesterday I had to go out and buy my soon to be 7 year old son his birthday presents.  I was walking into the shop and searching through my bag looking for a $1 coin to put into the shopping trolley.

I heard this voice behind me “excuse me” and I turned around. There was a lady standing with her 18 month old baby and she asked me if I would like to have her trolley.  I said that would be great as it saved her putting it back into the stack of trolleys so I kept searching for my $1 so I could give it to her.  I was slightly embarrassed because I only had 20 cents and a $20 dollar note so I said thats to her “thank you but I don’t have change, so not to worry about it” . With that she said “Thats ok its my good deed for the day !” .  I was ready to protest and say oh no no please get your money back and I will get some change – I stopped myself and said to her – wow thank you so much that is wonderful.  She smiled and walked away with her babe in arms.

I smiled and just thought to myself – what a lovely Goddess mother, then how lucky am I to bump into such generous people and life is great. I also thanked myself for allowing myself to receive because not only was I beneficiary of her wonderful act but she was also. I do quite often leave my $1 coin in the trolley for the next person and yesterday I got a lovely surprise too.

Blissings Luanne

Goddess on Purpose